| Free | Growth | Pro | Business |
Cost | 0 | $39 | $179 | 499 |
Monthly (CU) | 40 Millions | 400 Millions | 1.8 Billions | 5 Billions |
Throughput (CUs/s) | 1000 | 2000 | 8,000 | 20,000 |
If exceeded throughput limit, overflow is capped at 1 PRS.
Compute Unit (CU) cost for Unified API varies from endpoint to endpoint, as well as varies from inputs to inputs for the same endpoint.
The 90th percentile (P90) of CUs cost for each endpoint is listed below for your reference.
There is a maximum CUs that could be hit for each endpoint.
API Name | P90 | Maximum |
/token/metadata | 70 | 5000 |
/token/balance | 70 | 5000 |
/token/balance/historical | 5000 | 5000 |
/token/price | 5000 | 5000 |
/token/price/historical | 5000 | 5000 |
/token/transfers | 580 | 600 |
/token/allowances | 10000 | 10000 |
/token/activity | 2500 | 2500 |
API Name | P90 | Maximum |
nft/balance | 1150 | 4875 |
nft/balance/advanced | 1660 | 1660 |
nft/nft-in-collection | 1550 | 75000 |
nft/transfers | 1660 | 1950 |
nft/transfers/nft | 1660 | 1660 |
nft/transfers/collection-id | 1660 | 1660 |
nft/collection-metadata | 500 | 1660 |
nft/collection-metadata/collection-id | 1660 | 1660 |
nft/collection/traits | 1600 | 10000 |
nft/collection/rarity | 200 | 25000 |
nft/collection/trait/attributes | 1600 | 10000 |
nft/nft-in-collection/collection-id | 1660 | 1660 |
nft/collection/volumes-market-caps | 1660 | 1660 |
nft/collection/top-collectors/collection-id | 1660 | 1660 |
nft/collection/pricing-history/collection-id | 1660 | 1660 |
nft/metadata | 200 | 1660 |
nft/metadata/nft-ids | 1660 | 1660 |
nft/is-airdrop | 200 | 200 |
nft/floor-price | 200 | 200 |
nft/is-nft-holder | 200 | 5000 |
nft/sales | 350 | 1660 |
nft/owned-collections | 675 | 675 |
nft/top-sales | 1660 | 1660 |
nft/owners/nft | 1660 | 1660 |
nft/owners/contract | 1660 | 1660 |
nft/owners/collection-id | 1660 | 1660 |
nft/listings | 1660 | 1660 |
API Name | P90 | Maximum |
/transactions | 200 | 1950 |
/transaction | 70 | 200 |
/transactions/block | 1600 | 1600 |
/transactions/advanced | 1600 | 1600 |
API Name | P90 | Maximum |
/market-data/price | 3800 | 6364 |
/market-data/market-cap | 3800 | 6364 |
/market-data/24-hour-volume | 3800 | 6364 |
/market-data/history | 2600 | 2600 |
/market-data/chart-range | 2600 | 2600 |
/market-data/chart-price-range | 2600 | 2600 |
/market-data/trending | 3800 | 3800 |
Provider | Description | CU |
Helius | Solana RPCs | 5000 |
Ton | Ton Network APIs | 3 |
Defined | Market and Defi Data | 3500 |
Lunar Crush | Social Data | 5000 |
SimpleHash | Comprehensive Token Data | 1660 |
CoinGecko | Crypto Market Data | 2600 |
API Name | CU |
/scan/native-supply | 330 |
/scan/native-price | 330 |
/scan/native-node-size | 330 |
/scan/native-node-count | 330 |
/scan/estimation-confirmation-time | 330 |
/scan/current-gas-estimation | 330 |
/scan/token-supply | 330 |
/scan/token-balance | 330 |
/scan/transaction-execution-status | 330 |
/scan/transaction-receipt-status | 330 |
/scan/block-rewards | 330 |
/scan/block-get-countdown | 330 |
/scan/block-by-timestamp | 330 |
/scan/account-native-balance-single | 330 |
/scan/account-native-balance-multi | 330 |
/scan/account-normal-transactions | 330 |
/scan/account-internal-transactions-by-address | 330 |
/scan/account-internal-transactions-by-hash | 330 |
/scan/account-internal-transactions-by-block-range | 330 |
/scan/account-erc20-transactions | 330 |
/scan/account-erc721-transactions | 330 |
/scan/account-erc1155-transactions | 330 |
/scan/log-address | 330 |
/scan/log-by-topics | 330 |
/scan/log-by-address-filtered-topics | 330 |
/scan/contract-abi | 330 |
/scan/contract-source-code | 330 |
/scan/contract-creation | 330 |
/scan/contract-verify-source-code | 330 |
/scan/contract-verify-proxy | 330 |
Ethereum, Polygon PoS, Polygon zkEVM, Optimism, Arbitrum
API Name | CU |
net_info | 30 |
eth_getAssetBalance | 30 |
eth_blockNumber | 30 |
eth_getBalance | 30 |
eth_baseFee | 30 |
eth_getCompilers | 30 |
eth_getLogs | 30 |
eth_getChainConfig | 30 |
eth_submitHashrate | 30 |
eth_chainId | 30 |
eth_getBlockByNumber | 30 |
eth_accounts | 30 |
eth_feeHistory | 30 |
eth_gasPrice | 30 |
eth_getWork | 30 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash | 30 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | 30 |
eth_getCode | 30 |
eth_getProof | 30 |
eth_getRawTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | 30 |
eth_getStorageAt | 30 |
eth_getRawTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | 30 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | 30 |
eth_getTransactionByHash | 30 |
eth_getTransactionCount | 30 |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | 30 |
eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex | 30 |
eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex | 30 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash | 30 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber | 30 |
eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas | 30 |
eth_protocolVersion | 30 |
eth_sendRawTransaction | 30 |
eth_sendTransaction | 30 |
eth_sign | 30 |
eth_signTransaction | 30 |
eth_getBlockByHash | 30 |
eth_call | 30 |
eth_estimateGas | 30 |
eth_newFilter | 30 |
eth_newBlockFilter | 30 |
eth_newPendingTransactionFilter | 30 |
eth_uninstallFilter | 30 |
eth_getFilterChanges | 30 |
eth_getFilterLogs | 30 |
web3_clientVersion | 30 |
web3_sha3 | 30 |
net_version | 30 |
net_peerCount | 30 |
eth_syncing | 30 |
eth_coinbase | 30 |
eth_mining | 30 |
eth_hashrate | 30 |
net_listening | 30 |
eth_getAccount | 30 |
eth_getBlockReceipts | 30 |
eth_sendPrivateTransaction | 30 |
eth_submitWork | 30 |
eth_unsubscribe | 30 |
txpool_content | 30 |
txpool_inspect | 30 |
txpool_status | 30 |
txpool_contentFrom | 30 |
Endpoints | CU |
debug_traceBlockByHash | 30 |
debug_traceBlockByNumber | 30 |
debug_traceCall | 30 |
debug_traceTransaction | 30 |
debug_getBadBlocks | 30 |
debug_storageRangeAt | 30 |
debug_getTrieFlushInterval | 30 |
debug_getRawReceipts | 30 |
Endpoints | CU |
trace_block | 30 |
trace_call | 30 |
trace_callMany | 30 |
trace_filter | 30 |
trace_transaction | 30 |
trace_rawTransaction | 30 |
trace_replayBlockTransactions | 30 |
trace_replayTransaction | 30 |
Endpoints | CU |
bor_getAuthor | 30 |
bor_getCurrentProposer | 30 |
bor_getCurrentValidators | 30 |
bor_getRootHash | 30 |
bor_getSignersAtHash | 30 |
eth_createAccessList | 30 |
eth_getRootHash | 30 |
Coming soon!
Endpoints | CU |
avax.export | 30 |
avax.exportKey | 30 |
avax.getAtomicTx | 30 |
avax.getAtomicTxStatus | 30 |
avax.getUTXOs | 30 |
avax.import | 30 |
avax.importKey | 30 |
avax.issueTx | 30 |
info.isBootstrapped | 30 |
info.getBlockchainID | 30 |
info.getNetworkID | 30 |
info.getNodeVersion | 30 |
info.getTxFee | 30 |
info.uptime | 30 |
Endpoints | CU |
platform.getBalance | 30 |
platform.getBlockchainStatus | 30 |
platform.getBlockchains | 30 |
platform.getCurrentSupply | 30 |
platform.getCurrentValidators | 30 |
platform.getHeight | 30 |
platform.getMaxStakeAmount | 30 |
platform.getMinStake | 30 |
platform.getPendingValidators | 30 |
platform.getRewardUTXOs | 30 |
platform.getStake | 30 |
platform.getStakingAssetId | 30 |
platform.getSubnets | 30 |
platform.getTimestamp | 30 |
platform.getTotalStake | 30 |
platform.getTx | 30 |
platform.getTxStatus | 30 |
platform.getUTXOs | 30 |
platform.getValidatorsAt | 30 |
platform.issueTx | 30 |
platform.sampleValidators | 30 |
platform.validatedBy | 30 |
platform.validates | 30 |
Endpoints | CU |
avm.buildGenesis | 30 |
avm.getAddressTxs | 30 |
avm.getAllBalances | 30 |
avm.getAssetDescription | 30 |
avm.getBalance | 30 |
avm.getTx | 30 |
avm.getTxStatus | 30 |
avm.getUTXOs | 30 |
avm.issueTx | 30 |
Coming soon!
Endpoints | CU |
getAccountInfo | 30 |
getBalance | 30 |
getBlock | 30 |
getBlockCommitment | 30 |
getBlockHeight | 30 |
getBlockProduction | 30 |
getBlockTime | 30 |
getBlocks | 30 |
getBlocksWithLimit | 30 |
getClusterNodes | 30 |
getConfirmedBlock | 30 |
getConfirmedBlocks | 30 |
getConfirmedBlocksWithLimit | 30 |
getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2 | 30 |
getConfirmedTransaction | 30 |
getEpochInfo | 30 |
getEpochSchedule | 30 |
getFeeCalculatorForBlockhash | 30 |
getFeeForMessage | 30 |
getFeeRateGovernor | 30 |
getFees | 30 |
getFirstAvailableBlock | 30 |
getGenesisHash | 30 |
getHealth | 30 |
getHighestSnapshotSlot | 30 |
getIdentity | 30 |
getInflationGovernor | 30 |
getInflationRate | 30 |
getInflationReward | 30 |
getLargestAccounts | 30 |
getLatestBlockhash | 30 |
getLeaderSchedule | 30 |
getMaxRetransmitSlot | 30 |
getMaxShredInsertSlot | 30 |
getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption | 30 |
getMultipleAccounts | 30 |
getParsedBlock | 30 |
getParsedTransaction | 30 |
getProgramAccounts | 30 |
getRecentBlockhash | 30 |
getRecentPerformanceSamples | 30 |
getRecentPrioritizationFees | 30 |
getSignatureStatuses | 30 |
getSignaturesForAddress | 30 |
getSlot | 30 |
getSlotLeader | 30 |
getSlotLeaders | 30 |
getSnapshotSlot | 30 |
getStakeMinimumDelegation | 30 |
getStakeActivation | 30 |
getSupply | 30 |
getTokenAccountBalance | 30 |
getTokenAccountsByDelegate | 30 |
getTokenAccountsByOwner | 30 |
getTokenLargestAccounts | 30 |
getTokenSupply | 30 |
getTransaction | 30 |
getTransactionCount | 30 |
getVersion | 30 |
getVoteAccounts | 30 |
isBlockhashValid | 30 |
minimumLedgerSlot | 30 |
requestAirdrop | 30 |
sendTransaction | 30 |
simulateTransaction | 30 |
Endpoints | CU |
health | 30 |
status | 30 |
blockchain | 30 |
block | 30 |
block_results | 30 |
commit | 30 |
validators | 30 |
genesis | 30 |
dump_consensus_state | 30 |
consensus_state | 30 |
consensus_params | 30 |
unconfirmed_txs | 30 |
num_unconfirmed_txs | 30 |
tx_search | 30 |
tendermint_tx | 30 |
broadcast_evidence | 30 |
broadcast_tx_sync | 30 |
broadcast_tx_async | 30 |
abci_info | 30 |
abci_query | 30 |
Endpoints | CU |
ots_getApiLevel | 30 |
ots_getInternalOperations | 30 |
ots_hasCode | 30 |
ots_getTransactionError | 30 |
ots_traceTransaction | 30 |
ots_getContractCreator | 30 |
ots_getTransactionBySenderAndNonce | 30 |
ots_getBlockDetails | 30 |
ots_getBlockDetailsByHash | 30 |
ots_getBlockTransactions | 30 |
ots_searchTransactionsBefore | 30 |
ots_searchTransactionsAfter | 30 |
Endpoints | CU |
index.getContainerById | 30 |
index.getContainerByIndex | 30 |
index.getContainerRange | 30 |
index.getIndex | 30 |
index.getLastAccepted | 30 |
index.isAccepted | 30 |
Endpoints | CU |
arbtrace_block | 30 |
arbtrace_call | 30 |
arbtrace_callMany | 30 |
arbtrace_filter | 30 |
arbtrace_replayBlockTransactions | 30 |
arbtrace_replayTransaction | 30 |
arbtrace_transaction | 30 |
Endpoints | CU |
dag_getEvent | 30 |
dag_getEventPayload | 30 |
dag_getHeads | 30 |
ftm_currentEpoch | 30 |
trace_get | 30 |
Endpoints | CU |
eth_estimateExecutionGas | 30 |
optimism_outputAtBlock | 30 |
optimism_syncStatus | 30 |
optimism_rollupConfig | 30 |
optimism_version | 30 |
Coming soon!
Coming soon!