A list of additional NFT endpoints supported by our providers.
How to use Direct Endpoints?
Please check out our Direct Endpoints Overview Page for detailed instructions before clicking on any links.
Direct Endpoints
We list all of our NFT endpoints below which link to our providers own documentation on the endpoint details including the parameters needed to using the endpoint. Use our Direct API to make a call with the same params and URL path.
Method | API URL Path | Description |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getNFTsForOwner | Retrieves NFTs owned by a specific address. |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getOwnersForNFT | Fetches the owners of a specific NFT. |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getOwnersForContract | Retrieves the owners of all NFTs within a contract. |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/isHolderOfContract | Checks if an address is a holder of a specific contract. |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getContractsForOwner | Lists all contracts owned by a specific address. |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getCollectionsForOwner | Fetches NFT collections owned by a specific address. |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getNFTsForContract | Retrieves NFTs within a specific contract. |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getNFTsForCollection | Fetches NFTs within a specific collection. |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getNFTMetadata | Retrieves metadata for a specific NFT. |
POST | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getNFTMetadataBatch | Fetches metadata for a batch of NFTs. |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getContractMetadata | Retrieves metadata for a specific contract. |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getCollectionMetadata | Fetches metadata for a specific collection. |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/invalidateContract | Invalidates metadata for a specific contract. |
POST | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getContractMetadataBatch | Retrieves metadata for a batch of contracts. |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/summarizeNFTAttributes | Summarizes attributes and traits for NFTs within a contract. |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/searchContractMetadata | Searches metadata for a specific contract. |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/computeRarity | Computes rarity data for a specific NFT. |
POST | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/refreshNftMetadata | Refreshes metadata for a specific NFT. |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getSpamContracts | Retrieves a list of flagged spam contracts. |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/isSpamContract | Checks if a contract is flagged as spam. |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/isAirdropNFT | Checks if an NFT is an airdrop. |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/reportSpam | Reports a contract as spam. |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getFloorPrice | Fetches the floor price for an NFT collection. |
GET | Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getNFTSales | Retrieves recent sales for NFTs. |
Method | API URL Path | Description |
GET | Coingecko/nfts/list | Lists all NFTs supported on the platform. |
GET | Coingecko/nfts/{id} | Fetches details for a specific NFT. |
GET | Coingecko/nfts/{asset_platform_id} /contract/{contract_address} | Retrieves NFT data for a specific contract address on an asset platform. |
GET | Coingecko/nfts/markets | Lists all NFT market data. |
GET | Coingecko/nfts/{id}/market_chart | Fetches market chart data for a specific NFT. |
GET | Coingecko/nfts/{asset_platform_id}/ contract/{contract_address}/market_chart | Retrieves market chart data for an NFT using its contract address on an asset platform. |
GET | Coingecko/nfts/{id}/tickers | Lists tickers for a specific NFT. |
Method | API URL Path | Description |
POST | Defined/filterNftCollections | Filters NFT collections based on parameters. |
POST | Defined/filterNftParallelAssets | Filters parallel NFT assets using specific attributes. |
POST | Defined/filterNftPoolCollections | Filters NFT pool collections. |
POST | Defined/filterNftPools | Retrieves a filtered list of NFT pools. |
POST | Defined/getDetailedNftStats | Fetches detailed statistics for NFT collections. |
POST | Defined/getNftAssets | Retrieves assets within an NFT collection. |
POST | Defined/getNftCollectionMetadata | Fetches metadata for a specific NFT collection. |
POST | Defined/getNftContracts | Retrieves contracts associated with NFTs. |
POST | Defined/getNftEvents | Lists events associated with NFTs. |
POST | Defined/getNftPool | Fetches details for a specific NFT pool. |
POST | Defined/getNftPoolCollection | Retrieves data for an NFT pool collection. |
POST | Defined/getNftPoolCollectionsByExchange | Lists NFT pool collections for a specific exchange. |
POST | Defined/getNftPoolEvents | Fetches events for a specific NFT pool. |
POST | Defined/getNftPoolStats | Retrieves statistics for a specific NFT pool. |
POST | Defined/getNftPoolsByCollectionAndExchange | Lists NFT pools by collection and exchange. |
POST | Defined/getNftPoolsByOwner | Fetches NFT pools owned by a specific address. |
POST | Defined/getParallelAssets | Lists parallel assets related to NFTs. |
POST | Defined/getParallelCardChanges | Retrieves changes to parallel NFT cards. |
POST | Defined/nftHolders | Retrieves holders of an NFT collection. |
POST | Defined/searchNfts | Searches for NFTs based on criteria. |
POST | Defined/walletNftCollectionAssets | Retrieves assets within an NFT collection owned by a wallet. |
POST | Defined/walletNftCollections | Lists NFT collections owned by a wallet. |
Method | API URL Path | Description |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/leaderboard/stats | Fetches leaderboard statistics for NFT collections. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/mints | Lists NFT collection mint events. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/ownership/for-pubkey | Retrieves NFT ownership data for a specific public key. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/volatility | Fetches volatility metrics for NFT collections. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/estimated-price | Retrieves estimated prices for NFTs. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/listing-status | Fetches listing statuses for NFTs. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/loans/ltv | Lists loan-to-value (LTV) ratios for NFTs. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/marketplace/transactions | Retrieves marketplace transaction data for NFTs. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/all-time | Fetches all-time data for NFT collections. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/floorprice/batched | Retrieves batched floor price data for NFT collections. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/floorprice/candlesticks | Lists candlestick data for NFT collection floor prices. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/floorprice | Fetches the current floor price of an NFT collection. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/floorprices | Lists floor prices for multiple NFT collections. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/name | Retrieves the name of an NFT collection. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/leaderboard | Fetches the NFT leaderboard. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/listings | Lists active NFT listings. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/mint-accounts-by-owner-cnft | Fetches CNFT mint accounts by owner. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/mint_information | Retrieves mint information for specific NFTs. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/mints-by-owner | Lists NFTs minted by an owner. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/royalty/all-time/amount-paid | Fetches all-time royalties paid for NFTs. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/royalty | Retrieves NFT royalty data. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/sales/primary | Lists primary NFT sales. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/sales/secondary | Fetches secondary NFT sales. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/sales/secondary/latest | Retrieves the latest secondary NFT sales. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/sales/secondary/latest/mint | Fetches the latest secondary sales for a specific mint. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/smart-money-inflow | Fetches smart money inflow data for an NFT collection. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/floor-price-compressed | Fetches compressed floor price data for NFT collections. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/listing | Lists NFT collections and their listings. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/overlap | Retrieves overlap data for NFT collections. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/overlap/top | Lists top overlapping NFT collections. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/ownership/cumulative | Fetches cumulative ownership stats for an NFT collection. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/ownership/current | Retrieves current ownership data for an NFT collection. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/ownership/historical | Lists historical ownership data for an NFT collection. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/ownership/holding-period | Fetches holding period data for NFT collections. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/ownership/top-holders | Lists top holders of an NFT collection. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/program-usage | Retrieves program usage data for an NFT collection. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/stats | Fetches general stats for an NFT collection. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/stats/primary-sales | Lists primary sales stats for an NFT collection. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/washtrading | Retrieves wash trading data for an NFT collection. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/loans/collection-summary | Fetches loan summary stats for NFT collections. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/market-stats | Retrieves general market stats for NFTs. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/marketplace/tensor/floor-price-by-creator | Lists floor price data by creator for Tensor marketplace NFTs. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/sales_per_market_daily | Fetches daily NFT sales stats per market. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/hello-moon/collection-mint-mapping | Maps NFT collections to their mints. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/collection/collective | Fetches collective information for NFT collections. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/freeze_lookup | Retrieves freeze lookup data for NFTs. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/freeze_lookup/v2 | Fetches version 2 of freeze lookup data for NFTs. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/listing-status/v2 | Retrieves version 2 listing statuses for NFTs. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/ownership/historical | Fetches historical ownership data for NFTs. |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/shit/nfts | Retrieves a list of NFTs flagged as "shit." |
POST | HelloMoon/v0/nft/social | Retrieves social metrics for NFTs. |
Method | API URL Path | Description |
GET | Lunarcrush/public/nfts/{nft}/time-series/v1 | Fetches time-series data for a specific NFT (version 1). |
GET | Lunarcrush/public/nfts/{nft}/time-series/v2 | Fetches time-series data for a specific NFT (version 2). |
GET | Lunarcrush/public/nfts/{nft}/v1 | Retrieves details about a specific NFT. |
GET | Lunarcrush/public/nfts/list/v1 | Lists all NFTs (version 1). |
GET | Lunarcrush/public/nfts/list/v2 | Lists all NFTs (version 2). |
Method | API URL Path | Description |
GET | Moralis/{address}/nft/transfers | Fetches NFT transfer history for a specific address. |
GET | Moralis/wallets/{address}/nfts/trades | Retrieves NFT trade data for a specific wallet. |
GET | Moralis/{address}/nft | Fetches NFT data for a specific address. |
GET | Moralis/{address}/nft/collections | Lists NFT collections for a specific address. |
GET | Moralis/nft/getMultipleNFTs | Retrieves multiple NFTs by their identifiers. |
GET | Moralis/nft/{address} | Fetches metadata for a specific NFT address. |
GET | Moralis/nft/{address}/{token_id}/metadata/resync | Resyncs metadata for a specific NFT token. |
GET | Moralis/nft/{address}/{token_id} | Fetches metadata for a specific NFT token. |
GET | Moralis/nft/{address}/transfers | Retrieves NFT transfers for a specific address. |
GET | Moralis/nft/transfers | Lists all NFT transfer events. |
GET | Moralis/block/{block_number_or_hash}/nft/transfers | Fetches NFT transfers for a specific block. |
GET | Moralis/nft/{address}/{token_id}/transfers | Retrieves transfer history for a specific NFT token. |
GET | Moralis/nft/{address}/metadata | Fetches metadata for an NFT collection. |
GET | Moralis/nft/{address}/sync | Synchronizes data for a specific NFT collection. |
GET | Moralis/nft/{address}/owners | Lists all owners of a specific NFT collection. |
GET | Moralis/nft/{address}/{token_id}/owners | Retrieves owners of a specific NFT token. |
GET | Moralis/nft/{address}/price | Fetches the price of an NFT collection. |
GET | Moralis/nft/{address}/{token_id}/price | Retrieves the price of a specific NFT token. |
GET | Moralis/nft/{address}/lowestprice | Fetches the lowest price of an NFT collection. |
GET | Moralis/nft/{address}/trades | Retrieves trade data for a specific NFT collection. |
GET | Moralis/nft/{address}/{token_id}/trades | Fetches trade data for a specific NFT token. |
GET | Moralis/nft/{address}/stats | Retrieves statistics for an NFT collection. |
GET | Moralis/nft/{address}/{token_id}/stats | Fetches statistics for a specific NFT token. |
GET | Moralis/nft/{address}/traits | Lists traits associated with an NFT collection. |
GET | Moralis/nft/{address}/traits/paginate | Retrieves paginated traits for an NFT collection. |
GET | Moralis/nft/{address}/nfts-by-traits | Fetches NFTs by specific traits in a collection. |
GET | Moralis/nft/{address}/traits/resync | Resyncs traits for a specific NFT collection. |
Method | API URL Path | Description |
GET | Shyft/sol/v1/wallet/collections | Lists NFT collections owned by a wallet. |
POST | Shyft/sol/v1/nft/create_detach | Creates an NFT in a detached process. |
POST | Shyft/sol/v1/nft/create | Creates an NFT. |
POST | Shyft/sol/v1/nft/mint_detach | Mints an NFT in a detached process. |
DELETE | Shyft/sol/v1/nft/burn_detach | Burns an NFT in a detached process. |
POST | Shyft/sol/v1/nft/update_detach | Updates an NFT in a detached process. |
POST | Shyft/sol/v1/nft/transfer_detach | Transfers an NFT in a detached process. |
GET | Shyft/sol/v1/nft/search | Searches for NFTs. |
GET | Shyft/sol/v1/nft/read_all | Reads all NFTs associated with a wallet. |
GET | Shyft/sol/v1/nft/read | Retrieves metadata for an NFT. |
POST | Shyft/sol/v1/nft/read_selected | Reads selected NFTs. |
POST | Shyft/sol/v1/nft/update | Updates metadata for an NFT. |
POST | Shyft/sol/v1/nft/transfer_many | Transfers multiple NFTs at once. |
POST | Shyft/sol/v1/nft/update_metadata_uri | Updates the metadata URI of an NFT. |
POST | Shyft/sol/v1/nft/create_from_metadata | Creates an NFT from metadata. |
POST | Shyft/sol/v1/nft/get_owners | Retrieves owners of an NFT. |
DELETE | Shyft/sol/v1/nft/burn_many | Burns multiple NFTs at once. |
POST | Shyft/sol/v1/metadata/create | Creates metadata for an NFT. |
GET | Shyft/sol/v1/candy_machine/nft_addresses | Retrieves NFT addresses from a candy machine. |
GET | Shyft/sol/v1/candy_machine/nfts | Fetches NFTs from a candy machine. |
POST | Shyft/sol/v1/candy_machine/create | Creates a candy machine. |
POST | Shyft/sol/v1/candy_machine/insert | Inserts data into a candy machine. |
POST | Shyft/sol/v1/candy_machine/mint | Mints NFTs using a candy machine. |
GET | Shyft/sol/v1/collections/get_nfts | Retrieves NFTs from a specific collection. |
Method | API URL Path | Description |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/owners | Retrieves owners of NFTs. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/transfers/wallets | Fetches NFT transfer data for specific wallets. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/{chain}/{contract_address} | Retrieves details of an NFT contract on a specific chain. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/transfers/{chain}/ {contract_address}/{token_id} | Fetches transfer history for a specific NFT token on a chain. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/{chain}/ {contract_address}/{token_id} | Retrieves metadata for a specific NFT token on a chain. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/owners/ {chain}/{contract_address} | Fetches owners of NFTs within a contract on a specific chain. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/contracts | Lists NFT contracts available on the platform. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/owners/{chain}/ {contract_address}/{token_id} | Retrieves owners of a specific NFT token on a chain. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/transfers/{chain} | Fetches NFT transfer data for a specific chain. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/collection/{collection_id} | Retrieves details of a specific NFT collection. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/transfers/ {chain}/{contract_address} | Fetches transfer history for NFTs within a contract on a chain. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/transfers/. collection/{collection_id} | Retrieves transfer data for a specific NFT collection. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/assets | Lists NFT assets across collections. |
POST | SimpleHash/nfts/refresh/{chain}/{contract_address} | Refreshes metadata for a specific NFT contract. |
POST | SimpleHash/nfts/refresh/{chain}/{contract_address}/ {token_id} | Refreshes metadata for a specific NFT token. |
POST | SimpleHash/nfts/refresh/ collection/{collection_id} | Refreshes metadata for a specific NFT collection. |
POST | SimpleHash/nfts/refresh/wallet/{wallet_address} | Refreshes NFT data for a specific wallet. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/listings/ {chain}/{contract_address} | Retrieves NFT listings for a contract on a specific chain. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/collections/{chain} | Lists NFT collections for a specific chain. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/listings/collection/{collection_id} | Fetches NFT listings for a specific collection. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/collections/ {chain}/{contract_address} | Retrieves metadata for an NFT collection by its contract address on a chain. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/collections/ marketplace/{marketplace} | Lists collections for a specific marketplace. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/collections/ids | Retrieves collection IDs for NFTs. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/collections_activity | Fetches activity across NFT collections. |
POST | SimpleHash/nfts/report/spam | Reports an NFT collection as spam. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/traits/collection/{collection_id} | Retrieves traits for a specific NFT collection. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/owners/collection/{collection_id} | Fetches owners of a specific NFT collection. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/transfers/transaction/{chain}/ {transaction_hash} | Retrieves NFT transfers for a specific transaction. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/listings/{chain}/ {contract_address}/{token_id} | Fetches listings for a specific NFT token. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/traits/collection/ {collection_id}/floor | Retrieves floor prices for traits within an NFT collection. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/listing_events/{chain} | Lists NFT listing events on a chain. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/listing_events/{chain}/ {contract_address} | Retrieves NFT listing events for a specific contract on a chain. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/listing_events/collection/ {collection_id} | Fetches listing events for a specific NFT collection. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/listing_events/{chain}/ {contract_address}/{token_id} | Retrieves listing events for a specific NFT token. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/owners/value | Fetches ownership value data for NFTs. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/poap_event/{event_id} | Retrieves POAP event details for a specific event ID. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/top_wallets | Lists top wallets interacting with NFTs. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/listing_events/ids | Retrieves IDs of NFT listing events. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/listing_events/ listing_id/{listing_id} | Fetches details of a listing event by its ID. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/top_sales/ collection/{collection_id} | Retrieves top sales data for a specific NFT collection. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/top_collectors/collection/ {collection_id} | Fetches top collectors for a specific NFT collection. |
GET | SimpleHash/contracts_by_owner | Retrieves NFT contracts owned by a specific address. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/{chain}/inscription_number/ {inscription_number} | Fetches details for an NFT by its inscription number on a chain. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/top_collectors/{chain}/ {contract_address} | Lists top collectors for a specific NFT contract. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/top_sales/{chain}/. {contract_address} | Retrieves top sales data for a specific NFT contract. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/owners_v2 | Retrieves NFT ownership data (version 2). |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/listing_events/wallets | Fetches NFT listing events for specific wallets. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/sales_volume | Retrieves sales volume data for NFTs. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/contract_owner | Fetches the owner of an NFT contract. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/floor_prices_v2/collection/ {collection_id}/{granularity} | Retrieves floor prices for a specific NFT collection with granularity. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/top_sales/contract_owner | Fetches top sales data for NFTs owned by a contract owner. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/transfers/contract_owner | Retrieves transfer data for NFTs owned by a contract owner. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/collections/top_v2 | Lists top NFT collections (version 2). |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/collections/trending | Fetches trending NFT collections. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/collections_by_wallets_v2 | Lists NFT collections held by wallets (version 2). |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/listings/wallets | Retrieves NFT listings for specific wallets. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/bids/collection/{collection_id} | Fetches bids for a specific NFT collection. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/bids/{chain}/ {contract_address}/{token_id} | Retrieves bids for a specific NFT token. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/bids/{chain}/{contract_address} | Fetches bids for a specific NFT contract. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/bids/wallets | Retrieves NFT bids for specific wallets. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/traits/{chain}/{contract_address}/ {token_id}/floors | Fetches floor prices for traits of a specific NFT token. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/contracts_by_wallets | Lists contracts associated with specific wallets. |
GET | SimpleHash/nfts/top_bids/collection/ {collection_id}/{granularity} | Lists top bids for a specific NFT collection with granularity. |
Method | API URL Path | Description |
GET | Solscan/v2.0/nft/news | Lists recent news related to NFTs (version 2). |
GET | Solscan/v2.0/nft/activities | Retrieves activities for specific NFTs (version 2). |
GET | Solscan/v2.0/nft/collection/lists | Lists NFT collections available on the blockchain (version 2). |
GET | Solscan/v2.0/nft/collection/items | Fetches items within a specific NFT collection (version 2). |
Method | API URL Path | Description |
GET | TonApi/v2/accounts/{account_id}/nfts | Lists NFTs owned by a specific account. |
GET | TonApi/v2/accounts/{account_id}/nfts/history | Retrieves NFT transaction history for an account. |
POST | TonApi/v2/nfts/_bulk | Fetches NFT data in bulk. |
GET | TonApi/v2/nfts/collections | Lists NFT collections available on the blockchain. |
GET | TonApi/v2/nfts/collections/{account_id} | Retrieves details of a specific NFT collection. |
GET | TonApi/v2/nfts/collections/{account_id}/items | Lists items within a specific NFT collection. |
GET | TonApi/v2/nfts/{account_id} | Fetches details of a specific NFT. |
GET | TonApi/v2/nfts/{account_id}/history | Retrieves NFT transaction history for a specific NFT. |