A list of additional NFT endpoints supported by our providers.
How to use Direct Endpoints?
Check out our Direct Endpoints Overview Page for detailed instructions.
Direct Endpoints
API URL Path | Description |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getOwnersForNFT | Fetches the owners of a specific NFT. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getNFTsForOwner | Retrieves NFTs owned by a specific address. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getOwnersForContract | Retrieves the owners of all NFTs within a contract. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/isHolderOfContract | Checks if an address is a holder of a specific contract. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getContractsForOwner | Lists all contracts owned by a specific address. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getCollectionsForOwner | Fetches NFT collections owned by a specific address. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getNFTsForContract | Retrieves NFTs within a specific contract. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getNFTsForCollection | Fetches NFTs within a specific collection. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getNFTMetadata | Retrieves metadata for a specific NFT. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getNFTMetadataBatch | Fetches metadata for a batch of NFTs. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getContractMetadata | Retrieves metadata for a specific contract. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getCollectionMetadata | Fetches metadata for a specific collection. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/invalidateContract | Invalidates metadata for a specific contract. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getContractMetadataBatch | Retrieves metadata for a batch of contracts. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/summarizeNFTAttributes | Summarizes attributes and traits for NFTs within a contract. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/searchContractMetadata | Searches metadata for a specific contract. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/computeRarity | Computes rarity data for a specific NFT. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/refreshNftMetadata | Refreshes metadata for a specific NFT. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getSpamContracts | Retrieves a list of flagged spam contracts. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/isSpamContract | Checks if a contract is flagged as spam. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/isAirdropNFT | Checks if an NFT is an airdrop. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/reportSpam | Reports a contract as spam. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getFloorPrice | Fetches the floor price for an NFT collection. |
Alchemy/{chain}/nft/v3/getNFTSales | Retrieves recent sales for NFTs. |
Description | API URL Path |
Fetches details for a specific NFT. | Coingecko/nfts/{id} |
Retrieves NFT data for a specific contract address on an asset platform. | Coingecko/nfts/{asset_platform_id}/contract/ {contract_address} |
Lists all NFTs supported on the platform. | Coingecko/nfts/list |
Lists all NFT market data. | Coingecko/nfts/markets |
Fetches market chart data for a specific NFT. | Coingecko/nfts/{id}/market_chart |
Retrieves market chart data for an NFT using its contract address on an asset platform. | Coingecko/nfts/{asset_platform_id}/contract/ {contract_address}/market_chart |
Lists tickers for a specific NFT. | Coingecko/nfts/{id}/tickers |