
Creates an EIP-2930 access list that you can include in a transaction.


Creates an EIP-2930 access list that you can include in a transaction.

Use this method to optimize your smart contract interactions. Access lists are a part of Ethereum's EIP-2930, which aims to improve the network's scalability and reduce gas costs by specifying an explicit list of addresses and storage keys that a transaction intends to access.


  • Transaction call object: [Required]
    • from: [optional] 20 bytes. The address of the sender.
    • to: 20 bytes. Address the transaction is directed to.
    • gas: [optional] Hexadecimal value of the gas provided for the transaction execution.
    • gasPrice: [optional] Hexadecimal value gas price, in Wei, provided by the sender. The default is 0. Used only in non-EIP-1559 transactions.
    • maxPriorityFeePerGas: [optional] Maximum fee, in Wei, the sender is willing to pay per gas above the base fee. See EIP-1559 transactions. If used, must specify maxFeePerGas.
    • maxFeePerGas: [optional] Maximum total fee (base fee + priority fee), in Wei, the sender is willing to pay per gas. See EIP-1559 transactions. If used, must specify maxPriorityFeePerGas.
    • value: [optional] Hexadecimal of the value transferred, in Wei.
    • data: [optional] Hash of the method signature and encoded parameters. See Ethereum contract ABI specification.
    • block number or block hash: [required] A string representing a block number, block hash, or one of the string tags latest, earliest, or pending. See the default block parameter.


Access list object with the following fields:

  • accessList: A list of objects with the following fields:
    • address: Addresses to be accessed by the transaction.
    • storageKeys: Storage keys to be accessed by the transaction.
  • gasUsed: A hexadecimal string representing the approximate gas cost for the transaction if the access list is included.

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