Get Methods


Get the contract URI of the marketplace contract

Note: No parameter is needed for this method


PromisestringThe contract URI of the marketplace contract


const contractURI = await marketplaceSdk.getContractURI()
// Example contractURI:


Get the marketplace contraction configuration information, including whether the contract fee is adjustable and whether the white list of lister addresses, nft and payment token addresses are enabled.

Note: No parameter is needed for this method


adjustableFeebooleanThis indicates whether the contract fee information could be modified by admin
listerWhitelistbooleanThis indicates whether there should be a whitelist of lister wallet addresses when creating sale or auction in marketplace contract
nftWhitelistbooleanThis indicates whether there should be a whitelist of nft addresses for sales or auctions
paymentWhitelistbooleanThis indicates whether there should be a whitelist of payment addresses for sales or auctions


// adjustableFee: boolean flag that indicates whether contract fee can be modified
// listerWhitelist: boolean flag that indicates whether whitelist of lister is enabled
// nftWhitelist: boolean flag that indicates whether whitelist of nft is enabled
// paymentWhitelist: boolean flag that indicates whether whitelist of payment token is enabled
const {
 } = await marketplaceSdk.getContractOptions()
 // Example:
 // adjustableFee: true
 // listerWhitelist: false
 // nftWhitelist: false
 // paymentWhitelist: false


Get the number of total auctions that have been created in the marketplace contract

Note: No parameter is needed for this method


PromisenumberNumber of auctions stored inside the marketplace contract


const totalAuctions = await marketplaceSdk.getTotalAuctions()
// Example totalAuctions: {"type":"BigNumber","hex":"0x1"}


Get the number of total sales that have been created in the marketplace contract

Note: No parameter is needed for this method


PromisenumberNumber of sales stored inside the marketplace contract


const totalSales = await marketplaceSdk.getTotalSales()
// Example totalSales: {"type":"BigNumber","hex":"0x1"}


Determine whether the payment token is on the payment token whitelist of marketplace contract if payment whitelist is enabled for the marketplace contract.


paymentTokenAddressstringAny crypto token addresses


PromisebooleanBoolean value that indicates whether the provided paymentTokenAddress is on the payment whitelist of the marketplace contract


const USDT = "0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7"
const onPaymentlist = await marketplaceSdk.getPaymentWhitelist(USDT)
// Example onPaymentlist: true


Determine whether the nft contract address is on the nft whitelist of marketplace contract if nft whitelist is enabled for the marketplace contract


nftAddressstringAny nft contract addreses


PromisebooleanBoolean value that indicates whether the provided nftAddress is on the nft whitelist of the marketplace contract


const nftAddress = "0xb7F7F6C52F2e2fdb1963Eab30438024864c313F6"
const onNftList = await marketplaceSdk.getNftWhitelist(nftAddress)
// Example onNftList: true


Get the basic sale information from the marketplace contract given the saleId.


saleIdstringThe id of the sale in the marketplace contract


sellerstringThe creator address of the sale
contractAddressstringThe nft contract address
tokenIdBigNumberThe nftId of the nft under the contractAddress
startTimeBigNumberThe unix timestamp of the start time of the sale
endTimeBigNumberThe unix timestamp of the end time of the sale
paymentTokenstringThe address of the crypto token address that could be used to purchase nft on the sale
priceBigNumberThe price of the nft
tokenTypeTokenTypeAn enum with either 0 or 1 as the value. 0 represents ERC721, while 1 represents ERC1155 contractAddress
amountBigNumberThe total amount of the nft on the sale
purchasedAmountBigNumberThe amount of the nft has been purchased
reclaimedbooleanBoolean value that indicates whether the sale has been ended


const sale = await marketplaceSdk.getSale("1")
// Example Sale: 
// {
//    seller: "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266",
//    contractAddress: "0xD99984e1D6AcB5471681ba4E070F19a9c29B7844",
//    tokenId: {"type":"BigNumber","hex":"0x1"},
//    startTime: {"type":"BigNumber","hex":"0x641a362a"},
//    endTime: {"type":"BigNumber","hex":"0x644314aa"},
//    paymentToken: "0xac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7",
//    price: {"type":"BigNumber","hex":"0x6"}
//    tokenType: 1
//    amount: {"type":"BigNumber","hex":"0xa"}
//    purchasedAmount: {"type":"BigNumber","hex":"0x0"}
//    reclaimed: false
// }


Get the basic auction information from the marketplace contract given the auctionId.


auctionIdstringThe id of auction in the marketplace contract


sellerstringThe creator address of the sale
contractAddressstringThe nft contract address
tokenIdBigNumberThe nftId of the nft under the contractAddress
startTimeBigNumberThe unix timestamp of the start time of the sale
endTimeBigNumberThe unix timestamp of the end time of the sale
paymentTokenstringThe address of the crypto token address that could be used to purchase nft on the sale
minimumPriceBigNumberThe minimum price bidders can bid on the auction
maximumPriceBigNumberThe maximum price bidders can bid on the auction
tokenTypeTokenTypeAn enum with either 0 or 1 as the value. 0 represents ERC721, while 1 represents ERC1155 contractAddress
amountstringThe amount of nft to be sold.


const auction = await marketplaceSd.getAuction('1')
// Example auction:
// {
//    seller: "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266",
//    contractAddress: "0xD99984e1D6AcB5471681ba4E070F19a9c29B7844",
//    tokenId: {"type":"BigNumber","hex":"0x1"},
//    startTime: {"type":"BigNumber","hex":"0x641a362a"},
//    endTime: {"type":"BigNumber","hex":"0x644314aa"},
//    paymentToken: "0xac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7",
//    minimumPrice: {"type":"BigNumber","hex":"0x1"},
//    maximumPrice: {"type":"BigNumber","hex":"0x64"},
//    tokenType: 1
//    amount: {"type":"BigNumber","hex":"0x2"}
// }    


Get the top bid information from the marketplace contract given the auctionId


auctionIdstringthe id of the auction in the marketplace contract


auctionIdBigNumberThe id of the auction
priceBigNumberThe price of the nft on auction
bidderstringThe wallet address of the bidder


const {
 } = await marketplaceSdk.getTopBid("1")
// Example:
// auctionId: {"type":"BigNumber","hex":"0x1"}
// price: {"type":"BigNumber","hex":"0x1"}
// bidder: "0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8"


Get the listing fee amount of the marketplace contract

Note: No parameter is needed for this method


PromiseBigNumberThe listing fee of the marketplace contract


const listingFee = await marketplaceSdk.getListingFee()
// Example listingFee:
// {"type":"BigNumber","hex":"0x1"}


Get the listing fee token address of the marketplace contract

Note: No parameter is needed for this method

PromisestringThe token address of the listing fee token


const listingToken = await marketplaceSdk.getListingFeeToken()
// Example listingToken: "0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7"


Get the fulfillmentFeeBPS of the marketplace contract

Note: No parameter is needed for this method


PromiseBigNumberThe parameter to calculate the fulfillment fee of the marketplace contract


const fulfillmentFeeBPS = await marketplaceSdk.getFulfillmentFeeBPS()
// Example fulfillmentFeeBPS: {"type":"BigNumber","hex":"0xa"} 


Get the feeReceiver of the marketplace contract

Note: No parameter is needed for this method


PromisestringThe wallet address of the feeReceiver of the marketplace contract


const feeReceiver = await marketplaceSdk.getFeeReceiver()
// Example feeReceiver: "0x3C44CdDdB6a900fa2b585dd299e03d12FA4293BC"


Get the list of recent sales and auctions from the marketplace contract

Note: No parameter is needed for this method


logs(Sale | Auction)[]List of sale and auction objects


blockNumbernumberThe block number where the sale event happens
saleEventstringAn enum value of 0 (SaleCreated), 1 (SaleModified), 2 (SaleCancelled), 3 (SalePurchased), 4 (SaleReclaimed)
saleIdstringThe id of the sale
sellerstringThe creator of the sale
contractAddressstringThe nft contract address of the sale
tokenIdstringThe nftId of the nft
startTimestringThe Unix timestamp of startTime of the sale
endTimestringThe Unix timestamp of endTime of the sale
paymentTokenstringThe address of the crypto token that could be used to purchase the nft on sale
pricestringThe price of the nft in terms of the paymentToken
tokenTypestringAn enum value of 0 (ERC721), 1 (ERC1155) which represents the type of nft on the sale
amountstringThe total amount of the nft on the sale
purchasedAmountstringThe purchased amount of nft on the sale
purchasedInTransactionstring | nullThe amount that was bought in the transaction
reclaimedbooleanBoolean value that indicates whether the sale has been cancelled


blockNumbernumberThe block number where the auction event happens
auctionEventstringAn enum value of 0(AuctionCreated), 1(AuctionModified), 2(AuctionCancelled), 3(AuctionBid), 4(AuctionFulfilled)
auctionIdstringThe id of the auction
sellerstringThe creator of the auction
contractAddressstringThe nft contract address of the auction
tokenIdstringThe nftId of the nft under the contractAddress
startTimestringThe Unix timestamp of the start time of the auction
endTimestringThe Unix timestamp of the end time of the auction
paymentTokenstringThe address of the crypto token that could be used to purchase the nft
minimumPricestringThe minimum price the bidder can bid on the auction
maximumPricestringThe maximum price the bidder can bid on the auction
tokenTypestringAn enum value of 0(ERC721), 1(ERC1155) which represents the type of nft on the auction
amountstringThe total amount of the nft on the auction
fulfilledbooleanBoolean value that indicates whether the nft on the auction is claimed
BidBidObjectThe information of the top bid


blockNumbernumberThe block number where the top bid of the auction happens
pricestringThe bid price from the bidder
bidderstringThe wallet address of the bidder of the auction


const auctionsAndSales = await marketplaceSdk.getAuctionsAndSales()
// Example auctionsAndSales:
// [
//    {
//        blockNumber: 3206550,
//        saleEvent: 0,
//        SaleId: '1'
//        seller: "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266",
//        contractAddress: "0x57f1887a8BF19b14fC0dF6Fd9B2acc9Af147eA85",
//        tokenId: "1", 
//        startTime: "1678908456", 
//        endTime: "1678909456",
//        paymentToken: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
//        price: "2",
//        tokenType: 0,
//        amount: 1,
//        purchasedAmount: 0, 
//        purchasedInTransaction: 0,
//        reclaimed: false
//    },
//    {
//        blockNumber: 3206550,
//        auctionEvent: 0,
//        auctionId: '1',
//        seller: "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266"
//        contractAddress: "0x57f1887a8BF19b14fC0dF6Fd9B2acc9Af147eA85",
//        tokenId: "2",
//        startTime: "1678908456", 
//        endTime: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
//        paymentToken: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
//        minimumPrice: "1",
//        maximumPrice: "100",
//        tokenType: 0,
//        amount: 1,
//        fulfilled: false,
//        bidCount: 2,
//        bid:
//            {
//                blockNumber: 3206561,
//                price: "3",
//                bidder: "0x90F79bf6EB2c4f870365E785982E1f101E93b906"
//            }
//    }


Get all of the sales and auctions from the marketplace contract

Note: No parameter is needed for this method


logs(Sale | Auction)[]List of sale and auction objects


blockNumbernumberThe block number where the sale event happens
saleEventstringAn enum value of 0(SaleCreated), 1 (SaleModified), 2(SaleCancelled) , 3(SalePurchased) , 4(SaleReclaimed)
saleIdstringThe id of the sale
sellerstringThe creator of the sale
contractAddressstringThe nft contract address of the sale
tokenIdstringThe nftId of the nft
startTimestringThe Unix timestamp of startTime of the sale
endTimestringThe Unix timestamp of endTime of the sale
paymentTokenstringThe address of the crypto token that could be used to purchase the nft on sale
pricestringThe price of the nft in terms of the paymentToken
tokenTypestringAn enum value of 0(ERC721), 1(ERC1155) which represents the type of nft on the sale
amountstringThe total amount of the nft on the sale
purchasedAmountstringThe purchased amount of nft on the sale
purchasedInTransactionstring | nullThe amount that was bought in the transaction
reclaimedbooleanBoolean value that indicates whether the sale has been cancelled


blockNumbernumberThe block number where the sale event happens
auctionEventstringAn enum value of 0(AuctionCreated), 1(AuctionModified), 2(AuctionCancelled), 3(AuctionBid), 4(AuctionFulfilled)
auctionIdstringThe id of the auction
sellerstringThe address of auction creator
contractAddressstringThe nft contract address
tokenIdstringThe nftId under the nft contract address
startTimestringThe Unix timestamp of the start time of the auction
endTimestringThe Unix timestamp of the end time of the auction
paymentTokenstringThe address of the crypto token that could be used to purchase the nft
minimumPricestringThe minimum price the bidder can bid on the auction
maximumPricestringThe maximum price the bidder can bid on the auction
tokenTypestringAn enum value of 0(ERC721), 1(ERC1155) which represents the type of nft on the auction
amountstringThe total amount of nft to be sold on the sale
fulfilledbooleanBoolean value that indicates whether the nft on the auction is claimed
BidBidObjectThe information of the top bid


blockNumbernumberThe block number where the top bid of the auction happens
pricestringThe bid price from the bidder
bidderstringThe wallet address of the bidder of the auction


const allSalesAndAuctions = await marketplaceSdk.getAllEvents()
// Example allSalesAndAuctions: 
// [
//    {
//        blockNumber: 3206550,
//        saleEvent: 0,
//        SaleId: '1'
//        seller: "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266",
//        contractAddress: "0x57f1887a8BF19b14fC0dF6Fd9B2acc9Af147eA85",
//        tokenId: "1", 
//        startTime: "1678908456", 
//        endTime: "1678909456",
//        paymentToken: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
//        price: "2",
//        tokenType: 0,
//        amount: 1,
//        purchasedAmount: 0, 
//        purchasedInTransaction: 0,
//        reclaimed: false
//    },
//    {
//        blockNumber: 3206550,
//        auctionEvent: 0,
//        auctionId: '1',
//        seller: "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266"
//        contractAddress: "0x57f1887a8BF19b14fC0dF6Fd9B2acc9Af147eA85",
//        tokenId: "2",
//        startTime: "1678908456", 
//        endTime: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
//        paymentToken: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
//        minimumPrice: "1",
//        maximumPrice: "100",
//        tokenType: 0,
//        amount: 1,
//        fulfilled: false,
//        bidCount: 2,
//        bid:
//            {
//                blockNumber: 3206561,
//                price: "3",
//                bidder: "0x90F79bf6EB2c4f870365E785982E1f101E93b906"
//            }
//    }


Get all of the sales from the marketplace contract

Note: No parameter is needed for this method


logsSale[]List of sales


blockNumbernumberThe block number where the sale event happened
saleEventstringAn enum value of 0(SaleCreated), 1 (SaleModified), 2(SaleCancelled) , 3(SalePurchased) , 4(SaleReclaimed)
saleIdstringThe Id of the sale
sellerstringThe address of the sale creator
contractAddressstringThe nft contract address of the sale
tokenIdstringThe nftId of the nft
startTimestringThe Unix timestamp of startTime of the sale
endTimestringThe Unix timestamp of endTime of the sale
paymentTokenstringThe address of the crypto token that could be used to purchase the nft on sale
pricestringThe price of the nft in terms of the paymentToken
tokenTypestringAn enum value of 0(ERC721), 1(ERC1155) which represents the type of nft on the sale
amountstringThe total amount of the nft on the sale
purchasedAmountstringThe purchased amount of nft on the sale
purchasedInTransactionstring | nullThe amount that was bought in the transaction
reclaimedbooleanBoolean value that indicates whether the sale has been cancelled


const allSales = await marketplaceSdk.getAllSales()
// Example allSales:
// [
//    {
//        blockNumber: 3206550,
//        saleEvent: 0,
//        SaleId: '1'
//        seller: "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266",
//        contractAddress: "0x57f1887a8BF19b14fC0dF6Fd9B2acc9Af147eA85",
//        tokenId: "1", 
//        startTime: "1678908456", 
//        endTime: "1678909456",
//        paymentToken: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
//        price: "2",
//        tokenType: 0,
//        amount: 1,
//        purchasedAmount: 0, 
//        purchasedInTransaction: 0,
//        reclaimed: false
//    }


Get all of the auctions from the marketplace contract

Note: No parameter is needed for this method


logsAuction[]List of auctions


blockNumbernumberThe block number where the auction event happens
auctionEventstringAn enum value of 0(AuctionCreated), 1(AuctionModified), 2(AuctionCancelled), 3(AuctionBid), 4(AuctionFulfilled)
auctionIdstringThe id of the auction
sellerstringThe creator of the auction
contractAddressstringThe nft contract address of the auction
tokenIdstringThe nftId of the nft under the contractAddress
startTimestringThe Unix timestamp of startTime of the sale
endTimestringThe Unix timestamp of endTime of the sale
paymentTokenstringThe address of the crypto token that could be used to purchase the nft on sale
minimumPricestringThe minimum price the bidder can bid on the auction
maximumPricestringThe maximum price the bidder can bid on the auction
tokenTypestringAn enum value of 0(ERC721), 1(ERC1155) which represents the type of the nft on auction
amountstringThe total amount of the nft on the auction
fulfilledbooleanBoolean value that indicates whether the nft on the auction is claimed
BidBidObjectThe information of the top bid


blockNumbernumberThe block number where the top bid of the auction happens
pricestringThe bid price from the bidder
bidderstringThe wallet address of the bidder of the auctio


const allAuctions = await marketplaceSdk.getAllAuctions();
// Example allAuctions:
//    {
//        blockNumber: 3206550,
//        auctionEvent: 0,
//        auctionId: '1',
//        seller: "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266"
//        contractAddress: "0x57f1887a8BF19b14fC0dF6Fd9B2acc9Af147eA85",
//        tokenId: "2",
//        startTime: "1678908456", 
//        endTime: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
//        paymentToken: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
//        minimumPrice: "1",
//        maximumPrice: "100",
//        tokenType: 0,
//        amount: 1,
//        fulfilled: false,
//        bidCount: 2,
//        bid:
//            {
//                blockNumber: 3206561,
//                price: "3",
//                bidder: "0x90F79bf6EB2c4f870365E785982E1f101E93b906"
//            }
//    }


Get the list of the single sale from the marketplace contract given the saleId


saleIdstringThe Id of the sale


logsSale[]List that contains the single sale specified by saleId


blockNumbernumberThe block number where the sale event happens
saleEventstringAn enum value of 0(SaleCreated), 1 (SaleModified), 2(SaleCancelled) , 3(SalePurchased) , 4(SaleReclaimed)
saleIdstringThe id of the sale
sellerstringThe creator of the sale
contractAddressstringThe nft contract address
tokenIdstringThe nftId under the nft contract address
startTimestringThe Unix timestamp of the start time of the sale
endTimestringThe Unix timestamp of endTime of the sale
paymentTokenstringThe address of the crypto token that could be used to purchase the nft on sale
pricestringThe price of the nft in terms of paymentToken
tokenTypestringAn enum value of 0(ERC721), 1(ERC1155) which represents the type of nft on the sale
amountstringThe total amount of the nft on the sale
purchasedAmountstringThe purchased amount of nft on the sale
purchasedInTransactionstring | nullThe amount that was bought in the transaction
reclaimedbooleanBoolean value that indicates whether the sale has been cancelled


const [singleSale] = await marketplaceSdk.getSingleSale("1")
// Example singleSale:
//    {
//        blockNumber: 3206550,
//        auctionEvent: 0,
//        auctionId: '1',
//        seller: "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266"
//        contractAddress: "0x57f1887a8BF19b14fC0dF6Fd9B2acc9Af147eA85",
//        tokenId: "2",
//        startTime: "1678908456", 
//        endTime: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
//        paymentToken: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
//        minimumPrice: "1",
//        maximumPrice: "100",
//        tokenType: 0,
//        amount: 1,
//        fulfilled: false,
//        bidCount: 2,
//        bid:
//            {
//                blockNumber: 3206561,
//                price: "3",
//                bidder: "0x90F79bf6EB2c4f870365E785982E1f101E93b906"
//            }
//    }


Get the list of the single auction from the marketplace contract given the auctionId


auctionIdstringThe id of the auction


logsAuction[]List that contains the single auction specified by auctionId


blockNumbernumberThe block number where the auction event happens
auctionEventstringAn enum value of 0(AuctionCreated), 1(AuctionModified), 2(AuctionCancelled), 3(AuctionBid), 4(AuctionFulfilled)
auctionIdstringThe id of the auction
sellerstringThe creator of the auction
contractAddressstringThe nft contract address of the auction
tokenIdstringThe nftId of the nft under the contractAddress
startTimestringThe Unix timestamp of startTime of the sale
endTimestringThe Unix timestamp of endTime of the sale
paymentTokenstringThe address of the crypto token that could be used to purchase the nft on sale
minimumPricestringThe minimum price the bidder can bid on the auction
maximumPricestringThe maximum price the bidder can bid on the auction
tokenTypestringAn enum value of 0(ERC721), 1(ERC1155) which represents the type of the nft on auction
amountstringThe total amount of the nft on the auction
fulfilledbooleanBoolean value that indicates whether the nft on the auction is claimed
BidBidObjectThe information of the top bid


blockNumbernumberBoolean value that indicates whether the nft on the auction is claimed
pricestringThe bid price from the bidder
bidderstringThe wallet address of the bidder of the auction


const [singleAuction] = await marketplaceSdk.getSingleAuction("1")
// Example singleAuction:
//    {
//        blockNumber: 3206550,
//        saleEvent: 0,
//        SaleId: '1'
//        seller: "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266",
//        contractAddress: "0x57f1887a8BF19b14fC0dF6Fd9B2acc9Af147eA85",
//        tokenId: "1", 
//        startTime: "1678908456", 
//        endTime: "1678909456",
//        paymentToken: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
//        price: "2",
//        tokenType: 0,
//        amount: 1,
//        purchasedAmount: 0, 
//        purchasedInTransaction: 0
//    }