List of all of Uniblock's current Integrations.
We provide a host of integration options with various SDKs to cater to diverse blockchain-related services, from fiat conversion to smart contract methods. Below, you can find a list of our integrations. Each SDK mentioned links to its dedicated documentation page for detailed information.
💼 Wagmi
Overview of Wagmi overview.
configureChains | connectWallet |
getProvider | getSigner |
Overview of Rarible overview.
acceptBid | acceptBidOnCollection |
bid | bidOnCollection |
cancelBid | updateBid |
createCollection | getBidsOnItemById |
getCollectionById | getItemById |
getOrderById | generateTokenId |
mint | mintAndSell |
mintWithTokenId | updateSellOrder |
sell | Currency |
UnionPart | Union Address |
ItemId |
🔄 Uniswap
Overview of Uniswap overview.
addLiquidity | addLiquidityToExistingPosition |
removeLiquidity | collectFees |
getLiquidityPositionTokenIds | createNewPool |
initializePool | createAndInitializePool |
getPoolAddress | getPrices |
getQuotedAmountOut | trade |
tradeFromQuote |
🔐Uniblock Sdk
Overview of Uniblock SDK overview.
Balance | balanceHistorical |
getBlockNumberFromTimestamp | getBlockTimestamp |
getBlockNumber | getBlock |
getBlockDetailed | getBlockWithTransactions |
chartDate | chartPeriod |
chartBlock | callContractMethod |
log | ensResolveName |
ensLookupName | nft |
nftHistorical | nftCollections |
nftInfo | nftMetadata |
nftOwner | price |
priceHistoryDate | priceHistoryPeriod |
priceHistoryBlock | getNativeBalance |
getNativeBalanceAt | getDecimals |
getTokenBalance | getSymbol |
getTotalSupply | getAllowance |
getApprovalForAll | transaction |
getTransactionByHash | getTransactionByHashDetailed |
tokenTransfer | nftTransfer |
getGasPrice | getCode |
commify | formatUnits |
formatEther | parseUnits |
parseEther | convertUnits |
createWallet | generateMnemonic |
fromMnemonic |
⛓️ Ethers Sdk
Overview of Ethers SDK overview.
Overview of 1inch overview.
approveAllowance | checkAllowance |
get1inchSwapTokens | getLiquiditySources |
swapQuote | swap |
📍 Pinata
Overview of Pinata overview.
initializePinata | pinFile |
pinFileAndMetaData | retrieve |
pinDirectory |
💼 OnRamper
Overview of OnRamper overview.
executeStep | getGateway |
getRate |
🗂️ Nft.Storage
Overview of Nft.Storage overview.
NFTDotStorage | StoreBlob |
StoreDirectory |