
This guide will introduce the flow of using the marketplace sdk library

Prerequisite: Installing dependencies

Add the sdk to your repository

npm i @uniblock/launcher-marketplace


yarn add @uniblock/launcher-marketplace

Create SDK instance

To initialize the SDK, you should first create your presale contract through the Uniblock dashboard. Then you have to provide Uniblock API key which can be found after creating a project on the site. The API key can be seen inside the project page Then collect the contract address of your deployed contract and chain id and pass them into the initialize function with the Uniblock API key:

  • Nodejs:
import { initializeMarketplace } from "@uniblock/launcher-marketplace"

const uniblockApiKey = <YOUR_UNIBLOCK_API_KEY>
const marketplaceContractAddress = <YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
const chainId = <YOUR_CHAIN_ID>
const option = {
    rpc: <YOUR_RPC_URL> // You can assign your own rpc url

const marketplaceSdk = await initializeMarketplace(uniblockApiKey, {contractAddress: marketplaceContractAddress, chainId}, option)
// or if you don't have your own rpc url, you can use uniblock sdk default url
// and use the following code:
// const marketplaceSdk = await initializeMarketplace(uniblockApiKey, {contractAddress, chainId})

// also chainId is optional and the default chainId of the following code will be 1:
// const marketplaceSdk = await initializeMarketplace(uniblockApiKey, {contractAddress})
  • Web browser:
<script type="module">
    import { initializeMarketplace } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@uniblock/launcher-market/index.esm.min.js"
    const uniblockApiKey = <YOUR_UNIBLOCK_API_KEY>
    const marketplaceContractAddress = <YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
    const chainId = <YOUR_CHAIN_ID>
    const option = {
        rpc: <YOUR_RPC_URL> // You can assign your own rpc url
    const marketplaceSdk = await initializeMarketplace(uniblockApiKey, {contractAddress: marketplaceContractAddress, chainId}, option)

Create a Signer instance

We first need to create two signers for owner of sale or auction and buyer:

  • Nodejs:
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("RPC_URL", 5);
// needs the RPC Url of the specific chain, which can be found on chainlist:
// https://chainlist.org/chain/5
 const owner = new ethers.Wallet("WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY", provider);
 // similar processes for buyer
  • Web browser
import { initializeWagmi } from "@uniblock/wagmi"
const chainId = <CHAIN_ID>
const wagmi = await initializeWagmi(uniblock_api_key);
const { chains, provider, webSocketProvider } = wagmi.configureChains([chainId]);
const client = wagmi.createClient(
await wagmi.connectWallet(client, connector.METAMASK_CONNECTOR);
const signer = await wagmi.getSigner();
// similar processes for buyer

Note: To use the wagmi, install it through yarn add @uniblock/wagmi or npm install @uniblock/wagmi

Sale launch

Step 1: Create sale

To launch a sale, owner needs to call createSale to create a sale using their signer

Ensure allowance from the listing token contract:

const listingToken = await marketplaceSdk.getListingFeeToken()

// listingToken is not native token
if(listingToken !== ZERO_ADDRESS){
    const listingFee = await marketplaceSdk.getListingFee()
    await marketplaceSdk.increaseAllowance(listingToken, listingFee, owner)

Ensure approval from nft contract:

const nftAddress = <NFT_ADDRESS>
const nftId = <token_ID>

// if nft address is an ERC721 token contract
await marketplaceSdk.approve(marketplaceContractAddress, nftId, owner)

// if nft address is an ERC1155 token contract
await marketplaceSdk.setApproveForAll(marketplaceContractAddress, true, owner) 

Create sale:

const paymentToken = <DESIRED_CRYPTO_TOKEN> // can be native token or any ERC20 token

const createSaleParam = {
    contractAddress: nftAddress,
    tokenId: nftId,
    startTime: <SALE_START_TIME>,
    endTime: <SALE_END_TIME>,
    price: 300,
    tokenType: 1,  // 0 if nftAddress is an ERC721 address, 1 if nftAddress is ERC1155 address
    amount: 2,
const result = await marketplaceSdk.createSale(createSaleParam, owner);
const saleId = await marketplaceSdk.getTotalSales()

Step 2: Buy

Ensure allowance from the payment token and buyer can call buy method to purchase using buyer signer

const { paymentToken, amount, price } = await marketplaceSdk.getSale(saleId)
const paymentAmount = amount.mul(price).toString()

// if paymentToken is an ERC20 token address
if(paymentToken !== ZERO_ADDRESS){
    await marketplaceSdk.increaseAllowance(paymentToken, paymentAmount, buyer)
await marketplace.buy(saleId, '1', paymentToken, paymentAmount, buyer)

Step 3: Cancel Sale

If there are still nft tokens left in the marketplace contract, the sale owner could cancel the sale and the remaining nft tokens stored in the marketplace contract will be returned back to the sale owner

const { amount, purchasedAmount, endTime } = await marketplaceSdk.getSale(saleId);
if(!amount.sub(purchasedAmount).eq(BigNumber.from('0') && endTime.gt(Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000))){
    await marketplaceSdk.cancelSale(saleId, owner);

Auction launch

Step 1: Create auction

To launch an auction, owner needs to call the createAuction method to create an auction using their signer

Ensure allowance from the listing token contract

// listingToken is not native token
if(listingToken !== ZERO_ADDRESS){
    const listingFee = await marketplaceSdk.getListingFee()
    await marketplaceSdk.increaseAllowance(listingToken, listingFee, owner)

Ensure approval from nft contract

const nftAddress = <NFT_ADDRESS>
const nftId = <token_ID>

// if nft address is an ERC721 token contract
await marketplaceSdk.approve(marketplaceContractAddress, nftId, owner)

// if nft address is an ERC1155 token contract
await marketplaceSdk.setApproveForAll(marketplaceContractAddress, true, owner) 

Create auction:

const paymentToken = <DESIRED_CRYPTO_TOKEN> 
// can be native token or any ERC20 token

const createAuctionParam = {
   contractAddress: nftAddress,
   tokenId: nftId,
   startTime: <SALE_START_TIME>,
   endTime: <SALE_END_TIME>,
   paymentToken: paymentToken,
   minimumPrice: 0,
   maximumPrice: 100000,
   tokenType: 1, // 0 if nftAddress is an ERC721 address, 1 if nftAddress is ERC1155 address
   amount: 1,

await marketplaceSdk.createAuction(createAuctionParam, owner)
const auctionId = await marketplaceSdk.getTotalAuctions()

Step 2: Bid

Ensure allowance from the payment token and buyers can call the bid method to bid on the nft. The bidder who has placed the highest bid or is the first to bid the maximum price will be able to claim the nft.

const price = <BID_PRICE>
if(paymentToken !== ZERO_ADDRESS){
    await marketplaceSdk.increaseAllowance(paymentToken, price, buyer)
await marketplaceSdk.bid(auctionId, price, buyer)

Step 3: Claim

After the auction finishes, the auction owner can call the method of claimAuctionNft to end the auction so that the nft can be sent to the bidder and the payment to the nft will be sent to the feeReceiver and the seller .

await marketplaceSdk.claimAuctionNft(auctionId, owner)
npm i @uniblock/launcher-multisend


yarn add @uniblock/launcher-multisend