List of the Launcher Packages offered by Uniblock.
Welcome to our Smart Contract Launcher hub. The Launcher is designed to make the entire process of interacting with smart contracts simpler than ever. Leveraging our user-friendly interface, you can easily configure contract options, deploy new contracts, execute functions, and even interact with extension contracts to unlock added functionalities. Dive in to each of our contract's detailed documentation by following the links below.
🏪 Marketplace
Get started with our Marketplace quickstart.
setContractUri | updateFees |
updateListerWhitelist | updateNFTWhitelist |
updatePaymentWhitelist | increaseAllowance |
getAllowance | approve |
getApproved | createAuction |
editAuction | cancelAuction |
bid | claimAuctionNft |
createSale | editSale |
cancelSale | buy |
getContractURI | getContractOptions |
getTotalAuctions | getTotalSales |
getPaymentWhitelist | getSale |
getAuction | getTopBid |
getListingFee | getListingFeeToken |
getFulfillmentFeeBPS | getFeeReceiver |
getAuctionsAndSales | getAllEvents |
getAllSales | getAllAuctions |
getSingleSale | getSingleAuction |
getNftWhitelist |
🚀 Presale
Get started with our Presale quickstart.
increaseAllowance | getAllowance |
buy | buyAndWithdraw |
contractCall | grantRole |
configurePresale | modifyPaymentMethods |
ownerWithdraw | ownerWithdrawAll |
setPaymentReceiver | removeFromWhitelist |
addToWhitelist | renounceRole |
revokeRole | getTokenAddress |
getPaymentReceiver | getWhitelistEnabled |
getStartTime | getEndTime |
getEndTime | getWithdrawTime |
getTotalSupply | getCurrentSupply |
getMaxAmountPerBuyer | getMinAmountPerBuyer |
getPaymentMethods | getPaymentMethodRate |
getWhitelistStatus | getPurchasedAmount |
getClaimableAmount | getRemainingAllocation |
Withdraw | WithdrawAll |
🎁 Airdrop
Get started with our Airdrop quickstart.
getAllowance() | getContractURI |
increaseAllowance() | getFee |
claim() | getFeeReceiver |
contractCall() | getFeeToken |
getAirdrop | getAdjustableFee |
getAirdropIds | registerTree |
✉️ Multisend
Get started with our Multisend quickstart.
increaseAllowance | getAllowance |
approve | getApproved |
setApproveForAll | getApprovalForAll |
BatchTransferERC20 | BatchTransferERC721 |
BatchTransferERC1155 | BatchTransferNative |
grantRole | setPaymentToken |
emergencyWithdraw | setContractUri |
setERC20Fee | setERC721Fee |
setERC1155Fee | setNativeFee |
setPaymentReceiver | renounceRole |
revokeRole | getPaymentToken |
getFeeReceiver | getERC20Fee |
getERC721Fee | getERC1155Fee |
getNativeFee | getContractURI |
getAdjustableFee |