Authenticate your API Key

Uniblock API keys enable secure access to the Unified API, offering powerful functionality across several domains including Tokens, NFTs, and Transactions. Once you have your Uniblock API key, you'll need to authenticate it to start making requests to the API.

How to Authenticate your Uniblock API key?

Remember that API Key you saw when you first created your project? You'll pretty much be using that API key everywhere to track your project analytics but also to use our Unified API.


  1. Obtain your Uniblock API Key: If you haven't already, you'll first need to obtain your API key. This can be done by navigating to your dashboard on the Uniblock platform and copying the provided API key.

  2. Go to the API References: Once you have your API key, head over to the API Reference section on our documentation page.

  3. Authenticate your API key in the Header: When making an API call, your Uniblock API key needs to be included in the header of the HTTP request. The header field for the API key will typically be labelled as Authorization, X-API-Key or similar. The exact field name can vary based on the endpoint, so be sure to refer to the relevant API reference. The value of this header field should be your Uniblock API key.

Here's an example of how you might authenticate your API key in the header of an HTTP request:

GET /endpoint
  Authorization: Bearer YOUR_UNIBLOCK_API_KEY
  1. Start Calling Your Endpoints: With your API key authenticated, you're ready to start making requests to the Uniblock API. You can now call the required endpoints based on your use case, while the Unified API handles interaction with multiple blockchain providers.

Remember, each request you make to the Unified API must include your authenticated API key in the HTTP request header. If you ever want to change your project in the project dashboard, you'll need to update this in your API calls as well.