Solana Address Activity

Updates of value and token transfers for the addresses that you track.

The Solana Address Activity webhook tracks movement related to specific addresses. It triggers real-time notifications whenever an address sends or receives transactions, providing invaluable insights into token activity and portfolio changes.

Solana Address Activity is a custom webhook type offering the flexibility to come up with your own list of addresses to listen to, while the other webhook types are built on top of this webhook type with prefilled addresses for specific purposes and serve as templates.

Webhook Configuration Fields

Event NameA descriptive name to identify the webhook's purpose."ERC20 Transfer Notification for MyWallet"
Event DescriptionBrief explanation of the trigger and data included."This webhook sends notifications for ERC20 token transfers associated with MyWallet."
Webhook URLPublicly accessible URL for receiving notifications (must handle POST requests). (Test URL or your Prod URL)
Select ProviderBlockchain platform for notifications (e.g., Moralis, Tatum).Choose your desired platform.
NetworkBlockchain Network for notifications (e.g., Ethereum, Polygon).Choose your desired Network.
TemplateThe event trigger typeAddress Activity
AddressesA list of addresses to listen to for any real-time transfers. Minimum 1 address is required.0x029a49060f36F830915ec1FA98FAB532b4c75Aec (enter your address)
Transaction FiltersA list of transaction filters. Only the transfers that meet the transaction filter constraints will trigger a notification.account, HeliusTxType, Data, FeePayer
Filter TypeHow the webhook deals with the concurrent transaction filters when more than 1 transaction filters are defined.AND or OR

Transaction Filter Fields

accountAccount that performs this transaction.==, !=, in, not in, regexEnter solana account.
DataThe data of the transaction.==, !=, in, not in, regexEnter the data.
FeePayerThe fee payer for the transaction==, !=, in, not in, regexEnter the fee payer account.


  • Enter specific values, comma-separated lists for "in" and "not in" operators, or regular expressions for regex matching.