Per Key Rate Limiting


New Feature!

Note: The limits will depend on the throughput of your plans.

We are introducing a dynamic way to manage API usage through Per Key Rate-Limiting, allowing users to assign specific rate limits to individual API keys within a single project. This feature provides aims to provide more flexible resource management.

Get Started

  1. Navigate to your project dashboard/overview page that displays your API keys. You can use the our navigation bar on the left side column for a direct link.
Uniblock Dashboard Overview Page

Uniblock Dashboard Overview Page

  1. Click View All to go to the API Keys management page.
API Keys Management Page

API Keys Management Page

  1. For the API Key that you want to set limits for through the limits column.
  2. Set any limits you would like.
Set Limits Popup

Set Limits Popup

  1. Wait 5-10 mins for our backend to update and start testing!