NFT Events


Same as NFT Collection but with ERC721 Tokens.

Fine-tune your NFT Events experience with customizable event filters. Specify the exact events you care about to receive relevant notifications on your ERC721 tokens


ApprovalForAllOccurs when an owner grants an operator permission to transfer all their NFTs within a contract.
ApprovalGrants an operator permission to transfer a specific NFT from the owner's collection.
TransferIndicates the transfer of an NFT from one address to another.


Imagine you own an NFT collection where users often grant "ApprovalForAll" for trading convenience. To stay informed only about transfers of your NFTs, set up the following filter:

  • Event: Transfer
  • Contract Address: Enter the contract address of your collection

This ensures you receive notifications only when your NFTs changes hands, providing peace of mind and allowing for timely reactions.

Event Filter For Events (Only Transfers)

Uniblock Dashboard Event Filter For Events (Only Transfers)