
Setting up a webhook is as simple as adding a new URL to your application.

Setup Steps With Uniblock Dashboard

Navigate to the Webhooks section in Uniblock dashboard. You will notice a Create Webhook button which expands a section for creating a new webhook.

Follow the four steps to deploy a webhook.

  1. Add webhook information.

    1. Give this webhook a name and a description that are only for labelling purposes in Uniblock Dashboard.
    2. Fill the webhook URL. Send a test request to the URL by hitting the Test button.
  2. Select provider and network.

    1. Select a provider to deploy the webhook with. Each provider has its own list of supported network.
    2. Select a network to deploy the webhook on.
  3. Select a webhook template.

    1. Custom Webhook. It has great flexibility. You will need to fill out the whole set of required fields.
    2. Webhook Templates, They are pre-defined templates to help quickly fill the webhook information, such as contract address of a popular token and ABI.
  4. Add events and filters. This step further defines what kind of specific blockchain state changes that you would like to listen.

    1. For address activity webhook, you can setup transaction filters.

    2. For contract event webhook, you can setup event filters. Selecting an event is required, but adding event filter is optional.

    3. For solana address activity webhook, you can setup solana transaction filters.

  5. Deploy webhook. Once the webhook is deployed, you will be able to view the new webhook in the active webhook list.

Webhook Configuration Fields

Event NameA descriptive name to identify the webhook's purpose."ERC20 Transfer Notification for My Wallet"
Event DescriptionBrief explanation of the trigger and data included."This webhook sends notifications for ERC20 token transfers associated with MyWallet."
Webhook URLPublicly accessible URL for receiving notifications (must handle POST requests).https://461a-199-116-73-171.ngrok.io (Test URL or your Prod URL)
Select ProviderBlockchain platform for notifications (e.g., Moralis, Tatum).Choose your desired platform.
NetworkBlockchain Network for notifications (e.g., Ethereum, Polygon).Choose your desired Network.
More FieldsMore fields required based on selected webhook type. For more information refer to Event Trigger Types.Addresses, Contract Address, ABI, Transaction Filters, Event Filters

Additional Notes:

  • Ensure your Webhook URL remains publicly accessible and can handle the expected data format and volume.
  • Consider implementing security measures to validate incoming webhook requests and protect your data.

Webhook Testing Environments

Here are some webhook testing environments where you can get a webhook URL for a quick setup to post webhook events: