
Customize individual providers with your own API keys or with our test keys.


Only project admins and owners can edit provider details and status

This is for those who want to customize and configure providers with API keys on your own and how to setup a backup list.

Configure Each Individual Provider:

  • To add and manage various providers. Navigate to your project dashboard and go to integrations .
  • Click the blue button add provider on the top right to bring up a list of providers. Depending on your project's needs, you may choose to integrate with one or multiple providers.
Dashboard Providers under 'Integrations' Tab

Example My Providers under 'Integrations' Tab

Add Provider List of our supported Providers

Add Provider popup of our supported Providers

API Key Configuration:

  • Custom API Key (Manual Configuration):
    • Obtain a custom API key from your chosen provider(s).
    • Provider Configuration Guides are available on our docs as well for those who want to learn how to get your own key.
    • Apply this key with a name.
  • API Test Key (Default Routing):
    • Alternatively, you can use Uniblock's test API key for testing.
    • Note: This is not recommended for production environments due to shared access constraints.
Custom API Key for Alchemy with an optional Integration Guide to follow

Custom API Key for Alchemy with an optional Integration Guide to follow