API Tester

Welcome to the Uniblock API Tester guide!

The API Tester is a robust tool designed to simplify and expedite your interactions with the Uniblock APIs. With this tool, you can test, debug, and perfect your API calls in real-time, ensuring you get the expected results every time.

API Tester Module (URL: [www.dashboard.uniblock.dev](http://www.dashboard.uniblock.dev))

API Tester Module (URL: www.dashboard.uniblock.dev)

Getting Started

  1. Accessing the API Tester: Visit the Uniblock dashboard and navigate to the API Tester section.
  2. Select an API Endpoint: Use the menu to choose the specific API endpoint you'd like to test.
  3. Authentication: If your API requires authentication, ensure you've selected your desired API key. Your project's default key is automatically inputted.

Using the API Tester

  1. Input Parameters: Depending on the API endpoint, there will be required and optional fields. Fill them out accordingly.
  2. Execute the Call: Once you've set up your call, hit the Try button.
  3. View Results: The response will display in a structured format on the response block, showing you the results, and any errors or messages.
  4. View Schema: We also provide the schema to the data that is returned. Select the schema tab to learn more about the data object.
Results from nft/balance.

Results from nft/balance.